Project lead:
Dr Jennifer Altehenger (University of Oxford)
Project advisors:
Dr Denise Ho (Yale University)
Dr Tom Hurst (Highlands School Enfield)
Project assistant:
Dr Katrin Heilmann (King's College London - graduated 2021)
The website was created by staff at King's Digital Lab, a research software engineering team in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King's College London. Tiffany Ong designed the overall look and feel of the site functionality and user experience, and Olga Loboda worked on functionality and accessibility. Brian Maher handled virtual server set up and together with Jamie Norrish customized the Wagtail framework to meet the project's needs. Analysis and guidance was provided by Paul Caton.
This website was funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council UK leadership fellowship (Grant code: AH/R000174/1). For further information, please see
'The Mao Era in Objects' has been made possible by the generous help and support of many individuals and organisations. In particular, we would like to thank:
Ms Emily Anderson (Head of History, Wimbledon High School)
Ms Holly Beckwith (Deputy Head of History, Wimbledon High School)
Prof Katharine Carruthers (University College London)
Mr Eoin MacGabhann (Head of Curriculum in History, AQA)
Mr Asher Goodenough (History Subject Specialist, OCR)
Prof SHEN Yu
American Museum of Natural History, Division of Anthropology
Asahi Shimbun
The British Museum
Bruce Rosenblum Family Collection
Cambridge University Press
The website team
The CR/10 Project
The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard
Guan Shanyue Art Museum
The Harvard-Yenching Library
Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol
The International Institute of Social History
M+ Museum Hong Kong
The Paul Crook Collection
SFO Museum
Stanford University Press
University of Michigan, Asia Library, Chinese Dance Collection
The Mao Era in Objects website contains media items (images, audio recordings, and video clips) which the project believes in good faith to be in the public domain, subject to fair use, or for which the project has obtained permission to use from the rights holder. If you would like to raise a concern about any material in Mao Era Online that you think infringes your rights, please contact us in writing, using the contact details below, with the following:
- your name;
- your contact details;
- the identity of the content; and
- the reason for your concern.
Please note that you may be asked to provide further information and/or supporting statements in relation to the content or your concern.
Contact details: jennifer [dot] altehenger [at]
Following receipt of a notice of concern by the project, the following procedure will apply:
The project will acknowledge the notice by email or letter and will make an initial assessment of the nature and validity of the issue. If, following our initial assessment, we consider the concern merits further investigation, the material will be temporarily removed from Mao Era in Objects whilst we try to resolve the matter.
The project will endeavour to resolve the issue swiftly and to the satisfaction of the complainant, with the following possible outcomes:
- The material is replaced on 'The Mao Era in Objects' unchanged
- The material is replaced on 'The Mao Era in Objects' with changes
- The material is permanently removed from 'The Mao Era in Objects'