⧉Image Chairs And Stools: Image Of The '36 Feet'

- Title
- Everyday Furniture Drawings Collection (changyong jiaju tuji 常用家具图集)
- Date
- 1974-07
- Creator
- Beijing Municipal Timber Industry Research Institute (Beijing shi mucai gongye yanjiusuo北京市木材工业研究所)
- Publisher
- Nongye chubanshe, 1974
- Rights
- Nongye chubanshe. Fair use.
- Description
This image features on the first page of an 84-page collection of technical drawings. It depicts nine furniture items. Together, they make up the '36 feet': a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a bed, a bedside table, a dining table, and four stools. The room is nicely furnished, with nice bedlinen, a blanket, a toy, some books, a clock, and a radio: all objects that indicate a desirable level of comfort. The image connects comfort and the Chinese Communist Party by showing a copy of the People's Daily (Renmin Ribao 人民日报) lying on the table and the colour of the book spines on top of the chest of drawers - which are red - suggest that these include official party works and likely a copy of the works of Chairman Mao.