⧉Image Great Hall Of The People: The Parade For The Founding Of The People’s Republic Of China

- Title
- The central people's government constitutes the only legitimate government of all the people of the People's Republic of China Zhongyang renmin zhengfu wei daibiao Zhonghua renmin gongheguo quanguo renminde weiyi hefa zhengfu (中央人民政府为代表中华人民共和国全国人民的唯一合法政府)
- Date
- 1950
- Creator
- Unknown
- Publisher
- Political Department of the Third Field Army of the East China Military Region
- Rights
- Courtesy of the IISH/Stefan R. Landsberger Collection. Photo © International Institute of Social History. BG E11/968
- Description
This poster portrays the parade on the occasion of the proclamation of the People's Republic of China on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, 1 October 1949. Mao stands above, fifth from the right, with members of his first government.