⧉Image Mao Badges: Badges In Posters
- Title
- Blood Debts Must Be Repaid in Blood (xuezhai yao yong xue lai chang 血债要用血来偿)
- Date
- 1967
- Creator
- Unknown
- Publisher
- N/A
- Rights
- The Paul Crook Collection.
- Description
This poster depicts three individuals, all wearing different Mao badges. People are often depicted wearing badges in the posters of this era. The poster refers to tensions between China and Britain over Hong Kong in the early Cultural Revolution period. In the background, the crowd holds Little Red Books and anti-British posters. Main banner reads 'Fiercely resist the fascist brutality of British rule in Hong Kong' (Qianglie kangyi gangying dangju de faxisi baoxing 强烈抗议港英当局的法西斯暴行!).